Saturday, June 2, 2012

MS SQL Server Express

Shame on me! I forgot to include the MS SQL Server Express in my comparison!

But as any RDMS, MS SQL Server Express seems to be no problem. Installing it is easy, getting the jdbc-driver is easy, too. Connecting is a little bit hards, but you'll find enough resources on the web. Hint: I had to activate the TCP-Connection and h ad to disable the dynamic ports.

After getting the connection ready, the reast was easy - everything works as expected. Here is the updated comparison table:

PropertyMySQLPostgreSQLOracle EXMS SQL
myBigString varchar(4000) character varying(4000) VARCHAR2(4000)varchar(4000)
myBigString2 varchar(4000) character varying(4000) VARCHAR2(4000)varchar(4000)
myBigdecimal decimal(19,2) numeric(19,2) DECIMAL(19)nummeric(19,2)
myBinaryData tinyblob bytea LONGVARBINARYimage
myBoolean bit(1) boolean DECIMAL(1)tinyint
myDate datetime timestamp without time zoneTIMESTAMP(7)datetime
myDouble double double precision FLOAT(126)float
myFloat float real FLOAT(126)float
myInList varchar(5) character varying(5) VARCHAR2(5)varchar(5)
myInteger int(11) integer DECIMAL(10)int
myString varchar(255) character varying(255) VARCHAR2(255)varchar(255)
myString80 varchar(80) character varying(80) VARCHAR2(80)varchar(80)

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